
1/14 | Idea conceived
1/17 | Semester starts
1/19 | Design completed

Tree Features

These are features available in the tree on the left.

Save (control s)

Saves the document to disk. Nothing gets "committed" to Subversion

Quit (control q)

Quits Novello. You will be asked if you want to save to disk, and then if you want to commit your changes to Subversion

Move Node Up (alt arrow up)

Move a node up in the tree. A node could be a chapter you want to move before another, or a chunk within a chapter

Move Node Down (alt arrow down)

Move a node down in the tree.

Delete (shift delete)

Delete a node in the tree, say a chapter or a chunk. Don't be afraid to delete things if you are using Subversion, because you will be able to go back through the entire history of your document

Cut, Copy and Paste (control x, c and v)

Cut copy and paste all work with nodes in the tree.